Wednesday 7 April 2010

Peskimo interview

AT:You have so many strings to your bow, with all the different projects you work on, whats new for this year?
We are really excited to try new things, and we started the year with a short screen printing course. As a result, we’ve set up a make shift screen print studio in our back room. The first fruits from this will be on show at our new exhibition and we hope to release more and more exclusive screen prints through our website throughout this year!
Your work is unique in its style. Who and what inspires you?

P: Everyday oddities and slips of the tongue inspire the content of our artwork. We always jot down funny sayings or overheard conversations that conjure up pictures, characters and scenarios in our heads, that’s how our Croc Monsieur picture came about. Visually, we are inspired by mid-century design and illustration, especially packaging design and characters from that era.

AT:Is there any piece of artwork you have looked at and wished it had been yours?
P:ooh, so many! Jeff Koons giant balloon dog, Takashi Murakami’s giant statues, all the Ghibli films!

AT:What inspired you to team up with Chris Dickason for the Tease Made show?
P:We are good friends with Chris and have known him since our university days, it was over Christmas (possibly over drinks and a pizza) that we decided to do a joint show and the pieces have fallen into place a lot sooner than we thought.

AT:Who do you rate illustration wise. Anyone in particular you think us guys should be keeping an eye out for this year?
P:There are so many great artists popping up all the time! We like to support creativity in Bristol so we’re keeping an eye on what’s going on at the Here Gallery in Stokes Croft and tend to pop in there as often as we can to find out what’s going on!

AT:Any new toy projects planned at present?
P:The news was just released in the past few days that we are going to be a part of the new designer series of Qee. Qee was one of the early platform figures that really brought vinyl toys to the masses. They used to release artist series every year, but this series is the first they have released for 4 years, so it is a joy to be included! We are also developing some more designs and ideas based on our Monster Burp figure from Crazy Label

AT:Who have you most enjoyed collaborating with?
P:Because we collaborate as a pair on all our work, adding another person into the mix can sometimes be very confusing! We have collaborated with Chris Dickason on a new piece for the show which enabled us to work separately on the individual parts of the piece. We then brought it together and the result was better than any of us could have imagined! It’s nice to be a part of a piece of work that you want to study and keep reviewing because you notice new things every time!


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