Thursday 1 April 2010

interview Bubi Au Yeung

Hong Kong artist, Bubi Au Yeung has captivated the world with Treeson. What started out as a sketch soon resulted as a worldwide phenomenon within the designer toy industry. TokyoBunny perhaps sums up the secret of Bubi’s success with Treeson in a short testimonial left on Bubi’s Flickr profile: “I looove Bubi’s work! It makes me so happy!!!”

When was Treeson born?

Treeson was born on 8th August 2005. I love to think on my way to work and whenever I have an idea, I write/draw on my sketchbook. A story idea story came to me from an article about deforestation I read at that time, and I was inspired to draw the story to bring out the message, so I created Treeson.

What/Who is Treeson?

Treeson is a kind creature raised by the trees in the forest. He was stabbed in the chest with a tree branch by the logger who was trying to cut down the tree that raised him. After being wounded, he met Ren, his only human friend, who played with him and became his best friend. Neither Treeson nor Ren were very popular with the local kids, but they kept each other company and tried to save the trees in the city from being cut down by humans that wanted to put up more buildings.

What is Treeson’s favourite food?

Treeson loves green food, such as vegetable, grass, leaf, fruits and dessert.

What are Treeson’s hopes and ideals?

Treeson hopes to tell the world the importance of protecting our nature and to spread love among us.

What is Treesons proudest moment thus far?

Treeson proudest moment is having his first exhibition with many great talented illustrators from all over the world on his 2 years old birthday.

What’s in the future for Treeson?

There will be different versions of Treeson vinyl figures coming out and also his friends such as newspaper boy, circleboy, Ren, etc. are to be produced as vinyl figures. Besides that, there may be tee, bag. etc. with Treeson printed on it.

What do YOU think makes a great character design?

The uniqueness. The unique characteristics of the character which give a special impression to other, and i think the tree branch stem out from the heart of Treeson and the fluffy outlook make Treeson a unique character.

Story background. This is something i insist to develop a story and background for my character, coz the story and background help to tell people the personality of the character.

Message or mission. It would be great if your character has a mission or message behind its story and background, it let people who share the same thought and make use of the character to help spread the message, such as the green message by treeson.

Special element. Use Treeson as an example, he always with a warm smile on his face but when u look at his chest where a tree branch stem out from his heart, u would feel for him, and have a question in mind, “What happen to him?”, this arouse the curiosity of those who want to know more about him.

Picachu or Peanuts?

Peanuts for sure

Treeson’s Flickr Page

Interview i like

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