Monday 12 April 2010

I make things - interview

Who is Andrew Groves?

He is an illustrator, maker of things and inventor of creatures and beasts.

Please describe your work in three, two syllable words

Super magic creatures.

What should we know about you that you normally try to keep a secret? ;) This is a bare all interview after all! Nudity not required.

My secret is I don't have any secrets.

How did you get to be the IMAKETHINGS that we know today? Was this even where you wanted to be or were the Ninja and Stuntman positions all taken?

I'm actually currently working as a Ninja and Stuntman as well as being an illustrator. The Stuntman position pays the best but illustration allows me greater freedom of expression.

The serious question: What’s your ideal job? Style, client, output etc.

Well, I've worked on quite a few skateboards which used to be my ideal job, but now I'd really like to work on some snowboard graphics. Anyone?

If you were a manufacturer of car which manufacturer would you be? – Question not taken from the serious book of interview questions, but quite revealing all the same!

Probably Honda.

The creative industry in 2010, discuss.

Hmmm. Tough question. I imagine it's not going to be all that different from how it is now, although hopefully with an increase in creative opportunities as the economy improves. Who can say though - I try and just keep focused on the present. Live in the now!

Where is Andrew Groves going to be in four years, three months and six days?

He's going to be living in a cabin in a forest, still drawing and making things.

NewSugar showcases a lot of new talent and we get a lot of one question in particular from artists just starting out. Maybe you can help answer this question. What are your top three tips for success?

Ok, well I'm not sure I'm the best person to ask, but these are the things I feel like I should say:

Write a list of all the people you want to work for and then contact them; most won't reply, but if you're lucky a few will and you'll get some great projects to work on.
Get a nice website and keep it regularly updated.
Develop a style that is obviously yours and stick with it.

Interview: newsugar magazine

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