Thursday 1 April 2010

Interview 64 Colours

Michigan based Creative Duo 64 Colors create happy, infectious, eye-catching imagery. But is was their cute marshmallow brainchild Marshall that caught the eye of designer toy store Rotofugi! Laura and Eric of 64 Colors kindly took some time out to talk about their new character art masterpiece.

SteveRack (SR):
When was Marshall born?

Marshall was born in January of 2008. His first public appearance was on a letter press print.

What/Who is Marshall?

Marshall is and will always be a mischievous little boy who likes to get his way and doesn’t think or care about consequences.

Once upon a time, he was a real boy who’s favorite snack was… marshmallows. He lived in a dreary, colorless world spending the majority of his days eating and watching television. Nothing exciting ever happened and his parents paid little attention to him. He was essentially alone, lacking social skills and self confidence. His parents told Marshall, if he kept eating only marshmallows, he would eventually turn into one. Of course he ignored them—turned up the sound on the remote, and continued his binge. One night he stuffed himself with an entire bag of mucilaginous (jelly-like or gelatin) treats just before bedtime and then… fell asleep. As he slept, Marshall tossed and turned dreaming of a place filled with bright colors and strange, wondrous creatures. Things he had never seen before or even imagined. Exciting things, beauty, adventure and friendship. A place where he could live, learn and be loved. A world full of discovery and adventure. The creatures in the dream said come join us. You will always have friends here. Come join us and live life to the fullest.

So… the sun rose and birds began to chirp. Marshall slowly awakened from his slumber and as he opened his eyes and began to focus, he realized he wasn’t in his room anymore. He thought to himself—is this a dream or is this real? Little did he know this was very real. In the distance he saw a brilliant, blue pond and wandered over to splash water on his face. I need to wake up he thought to himself. So… Marshall knelt down, looked at his reflection in the water and was amazed! This was not the reflection of the little boy he knew. What he saw was a marshmallow-boy looking back at him. Amazing he thought! A transformation had taken place that night and nothing would ever be the same. This much he realized… and so the existence he knew had changed forever. This was just the beginning of something very new and wonderful.

Does Marshall have any friends?

Marshall has friends in his new life like his dog Gumdrop. Gumdrop is actually a dog that is also… a gumdrop. There are others. Children who have crossed-over and become that which they desire or dream to be.

What is Marshell ’s proudest moment thus far?

Marshall doesn’t care about achievements as he lives for the moment with no goals or ambition other than to enjoy life and live in the moment.

What’s in the future for Marshall?
Marshall the blind box vinyl figure will was released in late May. He will be in a show along with other 64 Colors art and characters at Rotofugi (Chicago, USA) on August 7th, 2009. There will be Marshall customs and he will also the subject of a book, prints, art work and some other projects we can’t mention just yet.

What do YOU think makes a great character design?

Simplicity and the ability of the character to project a feeling, personality or a concept.

Picachu or Peanuts?

Peanuts most definitely!


Interview: I like

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