Tuesday 20 April 2010

Design Context 'packs'

Initially i wanted to produce a book for my design context, however i have realized that the type and layout of the book will be very demanding for myself as this is not my strong point within design. I feel i will spend more time figuring out how to lay a page out in indesign than actually producing something that is more relevant to my design practice.

I currently have 11 interviews and have an idea of basing my design context on these by making each designers interview a part of a pack that will also consist of poster, interactive paper toys, 'colour me in' and vinyl stickers. Each package will be the same across all designers however the content of that pack will vary on the bases of what that designer produces, for example Jon Burgerman is known for his mind blowing doodling skills so his pack would have a colour me in poster!

The idea of having vinyl stickers in the packs is to allow 'you' to use them to customize any product you wish to.

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