Wednesday 21 April 2010

Feedback Evaluation

After receiving feedback from my presentation/crit today, i have made some key points which i need to address for the resolution of my design context.

I spoke about how i felt that designing a book would be to time consuming for me as my strength is not type and layout and i would end up taking time figuring out how to lay out a page. I expressed the idea of designing a pack for each designer as an alternative resolution, but after feedback this idea seemed too scattered and i need something to tie it all together.

I need to select four or five categories to make the content more specific and focused and look at where character arrived from, the history of character. I have to look through the interviews i currently have and be selective and just take key points from these to put them in the appropriate sections the design context will have.
The idea of me creating a character,narrative to narrate throughout the content of my design context was discussed during the crit, i will develop this idea as i feel as did Lorenzo, that my personality will come through in the resolution and the project can become fun and more appropriate to my design practice.

Feedback Summary:

Breadth of research- More needed, look at personality of characters as well as placement/market.

Level of analysis- Edit what is relevant within the interviews you have.

Organisation of material-Needs greater level of evaluation.

Design development- Lacks its own character, a danger of it becoming a paper blog.

Things to do:
-select categories for content
-order the content of your context
-break down interviews
-design narrative character
-make it fun & exciting (like characters are!)

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