Thursday 25 February 2010

H.G Wells

D&AD 2010 competition brief.

Orion Books

The brief-
Design a stunning and contemporary cover look for one of the 20th Century's most acclaimed authors, H.G Wells.

Known mostly for his science fiction writing, HG Wells also wrote incredible social novels that are still relevant today, covering topics such as mid-life crisis, class, feminism, materialism, consumerism and love.
Your challenge is to choose from the titles listed in the mandatory requirements and to create hardback cover designs that work as a set and establish the books as timeless fiction.

You must think of these as a set, so do plan how you can visually link them together.

What colour pallet's work well together, keep it simple?

Target audience
Young, literate creatives.

Tone of voice
Modern Literature

Weidenfeld & Nicolson is looking for something new and interesting in its drive to publish high quality, high concept books, new and old. These titles will be enjoyed by people who may not normally read period fiction. These works by HG Wells transcend their time-frame.

Mandatory Requirements
The only constraint you have is that these must be hardback. Think about every other aspect - materials, size, jacket (or not)... These new editions must stand out as modern literature.
Produce designs for three or more of these titles:

-The History of MR Polly
-Ann Veronica
-Love and MR Lewisham

You must think of these as a set, so do plan how you can visually link them together, PLEASE AVOID 'CLASSIC' OR VICTORIAN DESIGNS.

Work mounted on a maximum of 4 A2 or A3 Boards to be submitted in accordance with the technical specifications PDF. You must also upload a digital copy of all work entered.

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